Affiliate Program
Please read this first
Why Inflammation? is intentionally designed to tackle the biggest obstacle to healing head on.
That obstacle is the search for the Magic Pill. Or the Magic Doctor. The Answer, right now, as quickly as possible. It's the fundamental addiction of the modern world, and we're all junkies.
Complicating things further, often that Magic Pill "works" - at least for now - until the condition becomes chronic. Which usually just accelerates the search.
What's needed is a breakthrough - a glimmer of insight that this can't be right. That there is no Magic Pill. A shift from looking for some "thing" to examining how I'm approaching the problem in the first place.
This is the foothold from which real healing can begin. Finding it is one of life's most profound lessons. We want to help people get there.
The challenge? What's called "marketing" is waving that Magic Pill in all it's illusive glory. "Hey, I've got your answer, right here, right now!"
There's a fundamental contradiction. Sort of like getting people to church by promising drugs and hookers. It's setting them up for failure.
To be honest, we can't tackle this illusion "head on." There is no "Anti-Magic Pill" to show people. There's no thing to grab on to. We have to uproot deep contradictions in the way we think and act that are as invisible to us as the air we breathe.
This program is designed to break down illusory notions of simple, quick "fixes" by expanding awareness of what's needed as well as what is available. It's counter-intuitive, but based on the most advanced methods of accelerated learning.
We can't replace the Magic Pill with the Magic Herb or Magic Device and just let it rip. That's not congruent, and it's not working for those who need us most.
The shift away from Magic Pill Marketing is every bit as difficult for us as it is for our clients to move from coke and cookies to raw food. It won't happen overnight. This program is a step in that direction.
People make changes when the implications of their actions become clear. For most of us that requires a hard smack in the face. Or several. We're getting them in spades - mandatory vaccines, 5G, cancer, dementia, autism...
Change is hard. Few people can stick with it. But those that do are the ideal client - open, willing, educated, and passionate. They become lifelong friends who bless our lives and those of others. They become an open gate to the "subtle energy" that can break down the seemingly invincible mechanistic Goliath we are facing.
If you will use this program as part of a contextual or "biological terrain" based approach to your marketing, it will be a valuable addition. Shooting it out as the "flavor of the week" won't be effective. It's an evergreen, targeted resource meant for those with "ears to hear."
It's designed to be, in effect, your program. It's not focused around the interview hosts, or to build our list. You can use it for that. We'll show you how.
An information product can only go so far. We want to connect people with practitioners who can support them in the right way. To shorten their time of wandering in the desert, falling prey to the scams and shams that abound.
Contact Mike about how we can best make this work for you.
Why Inflammation? is an evergreen program with two different affiliate promotional options. There is a standard program and an Advanced option that is reserved for participants and qualified promoters.
The Standard option involves sending traffic to one of the Why Inflammation? optin pages. This is the typical type of affiliate structure.
The Advanced option lets the affiliate keep all leads within their own system. It allows for a greater degree of customization for the promoter as well as other advantages:
- Tag and segment your list around the topic.
- Increase participation because your subscriber doesn't have to join a different list.
- Simplify the process for the subscriber by using tags instead of optin forms.
- Increase your level of visibility in the program, along with the attendant goodwill.
The extra effort required with this option is simply setting up a campaign sequence in your email system using the provided templates, along with any additional customization you would like to add. We're happy to provide customized landing pages and promotional materials.
Evergreen Event Structure
Why Inflammation? is presented as a free event. The user simply enters an email address to join. They will then be emailed a video or two each day. Each videos is available for 24 hours.
The free videos are sent for ten days. In most cases, these videos are the first half of the interview with the featured expert. The second half is only available with purchase of the full program.
It appears as an "event" to the end user, but is not tied to any date or time and may be promoted on an ongoing, evergreen basis. You can see the optin page here. We recommend you optin to follow the process through.
This program differs from the typical "summit" in a several key ways:
- There is no start date or launch, it begins for the user when they discover it.
- Each topic is chosen to fit into the context of an overall plan, so everything fits together.
- Only part of the information will be provided for free, with purchase required for full access.
- There is a lot more material included in the upsell than the interview content. You can view the upsell page here
- View the current lineup of completed interviews here. More are being added.
The free videos are designed to give the user a good introduction to the topic as well as an experience of the level of depth and quality of the full program. They are also incentivized by a $100 savings if they purchase within a 14 day period.
Affiliate commissions will be provided on program sales. The "Front end" will offer 50% commission on the $97 initial price point, moving up to $197 (+$37 bump) at the end of the free event.
Affiliate Sign Up
We use the Thrivecart affiliate system. If you don't yet have a Thrivecart account, you will be asked to create a unique ID for their system.
Target Audience
The Why Inflammation? program is targeted to people who are dealing with chronic conditions as well as practitioners. The biggest problem both encounter is the addiction to the "quick fix" or "magic pill" approach to health. That creates a challenge in marketing such a program, since most marketing is based on the promise of such a quick fix.
The other challenge is that such people are found "everywhere" but not necessarily in any one place. It's a problem many people suffer in silence. They will be on various lists to learn more, but in most cases these will focus on one aspect of this multi-faceted problem.
Because of these challenges, we've created something that will support this underserved set of people in an ongoing way. We want our promotional partners to use this in a way that "rounds out" their offerings as opposed to just another quick hit to promote and move on to the next thing. As such, we're happy to work with you to find the best way to make that happen for you.
Inevitable Success
This program is designed to lead people to inevitable success in dealing with their health challenges. It does that by revealing a method that can't fail if followed diligently. While this may seem to be a sensational claim, it's not. The stumbling block comes from looking for a source that has the answers. Doing so completely locks us out from discovering the method.
Just as our bodies are designed to heal themselves, life is set up for us to win. However, that requires changing out the "operating system" that we learn from birth, which is designed for survival. Like kicking any deeply ingrained "bad habit," it's not something that feels easy or natural at first. We can't see the end from the beginning. It involves finding and removing the contradictions until we get there.
There's a lot more than meets the eye to what we're doing, and we're happy to explain it in more detail. We're aiming for a paradigm shift in how people view health and well-being. Thanks for being part of the process.
Program Background and Overview
- Interviewer
- Vision & Context
- Program Structure
- Additional Insights
Additional insights into some of the interviews and purpose of the program.